
Your donation empowers our mission to protect rhinos and preserve their future.

You can make a tangible difference...

Donate to help save rhinos from poaching attacks

We’re looking for people like you to help us fund important operations to keep rhinos in South Africa safe from being attacked and brutally injured by poachers for their horns.

The poachers hack through the facial and sinus tissues of the rhino to remove the horn, leaving the rhino severely injured both physically and mentally.

Our mandate is to prevent these senseless attacks and the horrific suffering these animals endure at the hands of poachers. We need your help to win this war against poachers. Every donation makes a difference.

All donations fund the following:

  • Veterinarian fees
  • Helicopter and pilot fees to track the rhinos at the highest risk of being poached.
  • Costs associated with ear notching and tagging the rhinos for identification and tracking purposes.
  • Ground support teams.
  • Lodging costs for team members.
  • Medical supplies, milk, vitamins etc. for baby orphaned rhinos injured by poachers.
  • 24-hour security patrols around the reserve parameters to safeguard the rhinos from poachers.
  • Costs to subsidize local and international volunteers.
rhino rescue safari

Our PleDGE

“We’re committed to real-world solutions, transparency, and leveraging every contribution to make a measurable impact in the conservation landscape. Your partnership is crucial in this quest.”


The URhino Project is dedicated to the preservation and protection of rhinos through innovative conservation strategies, tourism, community empowerment, and global education. Our mission is to halt the poaching crisis, restore rhino populations to their natural habitats, and foster a future where humans and wildlife coexist in harmony. By integrating cutting-edge technology, scientific research, and collaborative efforts, we aim to inspire actions that respect, protect, and celebrate rhinos as a vital part of our natural world and heritage.